The ministry of Falcarragh Community Church is entirely dependent on the giving of our church family. We therefore ask everyone who considers FCC to be their spiritual home to consider making some contribution, however large or small, to the ministry.

Our expenditure supports our strategic aims:
– To turn unchurched people into committed followers of Christ.
– To strengthen believers in their walk with God.
– To send people out to serve Christ.

Bank Details:
Account: Killult Christian Fellowship
IBAN: IE67 BOFI 9051 1766 5890 14

Online Banking

Cash or cheque

Why Give?
5 Obvious reasons!

Because Jesus talks about money all the time

You can’t read the Gospels and not feel the call of Christ to rethink your finances, to live more generously, more simply and more contentedly. He says you can’t worship two masters, you have to choose between God and money (Matthew 6:24). He says that a rich man was in hell partly due to his greed (Luke 16:19-31). He meets Zacchaeus the tax collector and his life is transformed and the key fruit of that inner transformation is that his heart changes from a greedy selfish heart to a generous joyful heart (Luke 19:1-10). He talks about the relative value of the rich people who gave a little of their money just for show versus the poor widow who gave all her money, even though that was a very small amount, out of devotion to God (Mark 12:41-44) And so on and so forth.

So we should give because it’s a sign we’re making Jesus Lord of our finances.

Because we’re to pay for people to be released into ‘full time ministry’

One of the things we cherish at FCC is that you don’t have to be paid or in an official position to actively participate in church life. However, there is still a good principle that runs through scripture that setting people aside to work full time in church activities can be a good thing. In the Old Testament the Levites didn’t receive a share of the land because they were to work full time in the temple and therefore lived off the tithes of the other Israelites. In Luke 10:7 Jesus, quoting the Old Testament Law, says “a worker deserves his wages” when he sends out the Apostles. And then Paul picks up on this in 1 Timothy 5:17-18 and 1 Corinthians 9:7-12 when speaking about full time elders and travelling evangelists and apostles.

So we should give because we want to release people to be able to do different tasks in and for the church that need more time.

Because it’s one of the ways we belong to the family, the church

In the Old Testament there is a great moment of financial giving in order to build the temple (1 Chronicles 29) and in the New Testament there is a collection for the church in Jerusalem during a famine (1 Corinthians 16:1-4 and 2 Corinthians 8-9). Additionally, in the early church we see the richer Christians giving money and possessions to the poorer Christians so that everyone had enough (Acts 2:42-46 and Acts 4:32-37).

So we should give because it’s part of belonging to a family and shows our commitment to the family.

Because it’s good for our hearts

In line with all Jesus’ teaching about money, it seems that it is a good discipline to give regularly, proportionately and generously in order that money doesn’t have a hold on us. Money has the power to promise, though not fully deliver, security, significance and satisfaction. If I have money I don’t need to worry. I can feel like I am worth something and I can be satisfied and enjoy life. So the discipline of giving reminds us that our security, significance and satisfaction lie in Jesus.

So we should give to show (to ourselves and God!) that we’re trusting Jesus for the future and not making an idol out of money.

Because without money the church can’t grow

Clearly God can do anything. But if we’re to see FCC grow and fulfil its vision of being a community that lives for the spiritual, cultural and social blessing of NW Donegal then we’re going to need finances. So we should give so that we can move forward as a church in being committed to NW Donegal and its flourishing.

Action Points: Speak to Dorian, Tom or Lily about giving & prayerfully consider what you might be able to give to FCC.
